Dear Prospective Families, 

Thank you for your interest and for prayerfully considering Augusta Christian Academy.  Augusta Christian is a subsidiary of Crossroads Baptist Church; the goal of this outreach ministry is to serve and support both Christian families from a variety of local churches, as well as a missions’ opportunity to reach our un-churched community members.

At Augusta Christian, we look forward to establishing a solid biblical foundation for our students while creating a learning environment that supports not only the academic needs of students but creates a supportive nurturing environment to meet their social and emotional needs.  We know and understand the need to support both the communication skills and problem-solving skills of our students.  We believe in creating a high engaging environment where students will feel challenged, but also successful and where they are held to high expectations but supported to reach their maximum potential.  All with our primary focus of sharing the love of Jesus and working to lead children to Christ.  What a great way to impact our community! 

Augusta Christian Academy admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.  In accordance with Virginia state law, Kindergarten applicants must be age 5 by September 30th.  If you feel your child is not ready to begin kindergarten, we are able to offer a pre-kindergarten program that will ensure your family meets such state education requirements. 

Admissions and Enrollment  All students must have a completed enrollment packet including a health physical prior to enrollment.  Students who have not completed their enrollment will not be permitted to attend school until all components are received.  If the enrollment is not complete by the 15th day of school, the student will be dropped from enrollment and forfeit their enrollment fees.  The enrollment packet includes:

  •             Enrollment Application
  •             Health Forms
  •             Transfer Records if applicable
  •             Family Meeting with School Staff

School Fees and Tuition     The enrollment fee is due at the time of the application submission.  The Instructional fee should be paid in full prior to the first day of school.  A discount for school fees is not included in the financial aid package, nor is there a fee discount for siblings. 

Enrollment Forms
 Use this link to our FACTS website to create a login and submit an application. 

Financial Aid Application