Extended Care Options
ACA offers extended care for families that will utilize this service 60% of the time. For families who do not plan to utilize this service on a routine basis they are considered "drop in" care. Payment is calculated on the quarter hour. Late pick up will increase the cost by $2/min after a 5-minute grace period. Register for extended care here.
Extended Care Options
Current ACA Families
Morning or afternoon $8.00/hr
Community Family
Registration fee. $50.00
Morning or afternoon $12.00/hr
Drop in Rates
ACA Families Only
Beginning at 6:30am $10.00/hr
Pick up by 6:00pm $10.00/hr
**Families must notify school at least 24 hours prior to use
Please contact ACA should you have concerns about early morning care hours. To register for extended care click here.
24-25 School Year Activity Days
Current ACA Families Free Enrollment Fee $40/day/student (plus activity fee if applicable)
Community Member $50 Enrollment Fee $40/day/student (plus activity fee if applicable)
September 16 - Augusta Springs Wetland Trail, https://www.signupgenius.
October 11 - Waynesboro Golf and Games-Ridgeview Park-bring a packed lunch, sign up now, https://www.signupgenius.
October 14 - Rockingham Park and Valley Jump-bring a packed lunch, sign up now, https://www.signupgenius.
February 17 - Ice Skating at Generations Park-bring a packed lunch, sign up now, https://www.signupgenius.